The Japan Analytics App
Accounting Visualized TM
The Japan Analytics iOS App is the most comprehensive mobile data source on Japanese listed companies. The App is designed for both individual and professional investors and provides a detailed analytical model for every listed non-financial company and a summary model for each financial company.
Using twelve analytical modules, subscribers can track daily prices, results, and revisions, access over 600,000 charts containing up to 30,000 data points per company and compare, rank, filter, and search by key market data, financial, demographic, and valuation metrics.
Companies are grouped into 30 Sectors and 328 Peer Groups based on the most recently disclosed Segment Data. Throughout the App, companies are displayed together with their Peers for ready comparison. Data are updated daily from primary sources and include all quarterly, interim and annual corporate disclosures.
The App offers quarterly and yearly subscriptions, each with free trial periods, and is available in Japanese, English, and Chinese.
The Twelve Modules

The App is designed around twelve 'modules' of which six focus on Company Analytics, three provide daily tracking of changes in stock prices as well as updates of company results and revisions, and three focus on screening, ranking, and saving. Click on any of the icons below to learn about each module in more detail.
The SCREENING module allows the universe of all currently listed companies to be searched using 70 demographic filters including Index, Exchange, Sector, Cap Range, Listing Status, Fiscal Year-End, and Location, as well as by the same 40 fundamental factors used in the Ranking Module. Screens can be saved locally and can also be synchronized to iCloud Drive if enabled.
The RANKING module ranks the universe of listed companies by 40 key growth, margin, return, and valuation factors using trailing twelve-month accounting data whenever possible. The factors include PER, PBR, RoE, EV/OP, FCF Yield, Dividend Yield, and Residual Core Return as well as Japan Analytics' Price Score, Volume Score, Results Score, and Forecast Accuracy Score.
The PORTFOLIOS module provides up to 12 portfolios of stocks to be created which can be stored locally, and can be synchronized to iCloud Drive if enabled. Portfolio stocks are tracked for changes in market capitalization over 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year similar to the Heatmaps module. The Last Close and most recent Volume Score are also shown.
The PROFILE module contains key demographic data including the company's address, phone number, dates of establishment and listing, current accounting standard, fiscal year-end, listing status, exchange, index membership(s), and trading unit, as well as a history of changes in demographics. Links to the company's Japanese, English, and Chinese language websites are also provided.
The COMPARISON module allows for a quick comparison of twelve key margin, return, and valuation metrics which vary by company type. All ratios use trailing twelve-month (TTM) data. The ratios for non-financial companies include NOPAT Margin, EV/OP, Residual Core Return, RoE, PER, PBR, and the upside or downside to our no-growth valuation based on the company's TTM Residual Income.
Using an innovative approach to financial data visualization, the ANALYSIS module gives ready access to all key corporate financial and accounting metrics through up to 144 charts, covering up to 28 years of annual and 28 quarters of adjusted quarterly and TTM data, including Comprehensive Income, Returns decomposition, derived Cash Flow statements, and a Residual Income valuation model.
The FORECASTS module details every historical forecast made or Revenue, Operating Income, Operating Margin, and Net Income since 2008, and compares them against the company's actual results. From this we derive a Forecast Accuracy Score which is a measure of each company's forecasting ability. This information is not currently available in this format from any other source.
Segment Data
The SEGMENT DATA module covers Business and Geographic Segment data by Revenue, Operating Income, Revenue Breakdown, and Operating Margin for the top 15 and 10 segments, respectively for up to 28 years and 28 quarters. Segment titles have been manually translated into English. This information is not currently available in this format from any other source.
Market Data
The MARKET DATA module provides the company's historical stock price monthly since listing and daily for the last year. It also provides the Japan Analytics' Monthly and Daily Price Score and Volume Score which standardize stock prices relative to the index and volume, relative to shares issued in order to highlight extreme overbought, oversold, and overtraded periods.
The HEATMAPS module provides a graphic overview of changes in market capitalization over six periods from the last trading day to the last 1 year, as well as the latest Volume Score. Heatmaps are grouped into Stock Heatmaps, Peer Group Heatmaps, and Sector Heatmaps with the last two providing aggregate price changes and Volume Scores.
The REVISIONS module provides a summary of all initial forecasts and forecast revisions made on every day in the last year together with comparisons to previous forecasts and the TTM period. Revisions can be filtered by period, type, market capitalization, direction of change relative to TTM, and by Revision Score.
The RESULTS module provides summary data of all results disclosures made on every day in the last three months together with year-on-year comparisons with previous quarterly and TTM results. Results are adjusted to three-month periods and can be filtered by period, market capitalization, and by Results Score.